Sunday, 7 March 2010

"No more prizes for predicting rain...prizes only for building arks..."

The team are all ready and assembled and The Comet herself is all scaffolded out and ready to go.

Last week our heritage coordinator Kay went over to take lots of photos of the boat prior to refurb. We've included some below, you can certainly get a sense of the scale of the task ahead...

It's also really interesting to see The Comet and in particular the engine from a different perspective

Another Comet venture also needs Port Glasgow support...The Comet Festival.

Local people are being urged to get involved helping with this years event. Volunteers can join the committe or be involved in actively supporting the festival on the day. There is a public meeting on Monday 8 March at 7pm in Port Glasgow Town Hall.

If you miss this however, please contact Jan Donnachie for further information on 715472.