Thursday, 22 April 2010


Progress has evidently been made on the cabin's exterior. The last update featured images of the cabin stripped and isolated from the ship with the team working on its restoration. The images above show what work has been done since and the progress that has been made.

In addition, the video below also demonstrates the progress that has been made by giving a quick pan and establishing view of the Comet. It also reminds us of the severely damaged state that the ship is actually in. Furthermore, the video gives close up views of the new steam bent planks of wood that have replaced some of the original exterior.

Hopefully this video gives you some indication of not only the sheer size of the Comet, which I myself found surprising, but also the sheer size of the task at hand.

It has to be said that it is both an odd and interesting juxtaposition; the original exterior and structure united with the new exterior. The images below give a closer look at this coming together of old and new.

British Sign Language Translation