Tuesday, 14 September 2010

200 Visitors on Doors Open Day

Over 200 people turned out to visit The Comet at Fergusons this weekend...absolutely brilliant.

We've some footage and photos from the day which we'll post soon...including some video of Lyle Templeton...our piper who welcomed everyone over the doors during the morning session.

You can hear a new radio interview about the project at 6.15 this evening on Bute FM (96.5fm) or online at www.butefm.com.

Loads of folk had questions for us about when the boat was going to be completed and what was happening next, particularly around protecting The Comet from the elements when she returns. But we were really interested to hear a particular idea over and over again...keep The Comet out of sight in 2011, then bring her back with much more of a bang for the bicentennial in 2012.
